Multiple FNAs (fine needle aspirations) are done at a separate site or separate lesions. The coders might report the results separately with the use of 10022 Fine Needle Aspiration. FNA reports are with imaging guidance modifier 59 Distinct procedural service or appropriate anatomic modifier. However, the report on imaging guidance is issued once per patient encounter.

At GMBC, we follow National CCI (correct coding initiative guidelines and adopt one service unit for radiologic guidance codes 76942, 77002, 77003, 77012, and 77021. The service unit represents the patient encounter, but not the number of biopsies, number of aspirations, number of localizations, or number of injections.

Backed by highly dedicated, skilled, and knowledgeable professionals, we at GMBC can code FNA biopsies of any human organs, apart from the evaluation of thyroid FNAs. We assure that our coding is highly accurate and assists doctors and allied professionals in providing better health care services.